CBSE Class V Environmental Studies

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The Class 5 Environmental Studies students should be able to perform the following: 

  1. Observe and explore the animals for the unique/unusual sense of sight, smell, hear, sleep, and respond for etc., and their response to light, heat, sound etc.
  2. Explore the sources of water in their neighbourhood, and how fruit, vegetables, grains, water, reach their home and kind of processes/techniques employed to convert grain to flour and flour to Roti, purification of water etc.
  3. Share experiences and discuss about the information collected/places visited with peers/teachers and elders.
  4. Prepare guide routes to reach from one place to another.
  5. Collect information from pictures / elders/ books/ newspapers/ magazines/web resources / museums etc. about animals which have very sharp sense of hearing, smell and vision, different landforms such as plain area, hilly area, deserts, etc. and the varieties of flora-fauna, lives of people in such places. Also do Worksheets for Class 5 Environmental Studies
  6. Discuss with teachers/elders and use pictures, paintings, visit museums and collect information related to the lives for food, shelter, availability of water, means of livelihood, etc., practices, customs, techniques, of different regions and different time periods.
  7. Visit petrol pumps, nature centres, science parks, water treatment plant, bank, health centre, wildlife sanctuaries, cooperative, monument, museum etc. and if possible to far off places with different landforms, lifestyles and livelihoods, etc. to observe and interact with people living there and share experiences in different ways.
  8. Observe and share experiences for different phenomena such as how water evaporates, condenses, and dissolves different substances under different conditions, and how food gets spoilt, how seeds germinate and the direction in which roots, shoot grow and conduct simple experiments/activities to find out the same.
  9. Conduct activities/simple experiments to check the properties/ features of different objects/ seeds/ water/waste materials, etc.
  10. Observe, explore surroundings and critically think how seeds reach from one place to another, how the plants/trees grow at places where no one plants them e.g. forests, who waters them and who owns them.
  11. Visit the night shelters, people living in camps, old age homes, in surroundings and interact with old/differently abled and who change their means of earning to find out where do people belong to and why they left their places, where their ancestors had been living for ages, migration of people and debate on various such issues in the surroundings. Also try doing NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies
  12. Enquire from parents, teachers, peers and elders at home/community to critically think and discuss to reflect on experiences of children related to situations at home, school, neighbourhood.
  13. Discuss freely with peers, teachers and elders about the biases, prejudices, and stereotypes by providing counter examples to one another.
  14. Visit departments/ bodies in the surroundings e.g. Bank, Jal Board, and Hospital and Disaster management body and interact with related people and interpret different documents related with them.
  15. Watch videos on different types of landforms and the variety of life forms found in such places, different institutions which cater to the need of societies, behaviour of animals, water scarcity, etc. followed by meaningful discussions and debates on occupations that derive from the peculiar geographical characteristics of different regions.
  16. Perform simple activities, record the observations in the form of table/sketch/ bar graph/ pie chart/ oral/ written form, etc. interpret and present their findings.
  17. Discuss issues of living beings (plants and animals) as rightful inhabitants of earth, animal rights and ethical treatment to animals. Also solve Sample papers for Class 5 Environmental Studies
  18. Share experiences of people who work selflessly for common good and what motivates them.
  19. Participate actively and undertake initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by working together in groups e.g. in different indoor/outdoor/local/contemporary activities, games, dance, fine art, carry out projects/role play for taking care of a plant(s), feed birds/animals, things/elderly/differently abled around them.
  20. Conduct mock drills for emergency and disaster preparedness. 

Class 5 Environmental studies is an important subject for class 5. The important chapters and topics have been explained in the below section. Its an easy to score subject in which parents can play a significant role by just making the child more aware of their surroundings.

The main focus of Environmental Education should be to expose students to the real-life world, natural and social, in which they live; to enable them to analyse, evaluate, and draw inferences 3 about problems and concerns related to the environment; to add, where possible, to our understanding of environmental issues; and to promote positive environmental actions in order to facilitate the move towards sustainable development. To achieve these goals, the curriculum may be based on: Learning about the environment; Learning through the environment; Learning for the environment;

Family and Friends


Family tree
Can you make a family tree with as many of your relatives you can get information about? Who are the relatives whom you have never seen? Where do they live?

Shifting from place to place
Have you always lived at the place that you now live in? If not, where does your family come from?

Who laughs the loudest?
Who is the tallest/shortest in the family? Who has the longest hair? How long? Who has the loudest voice/laugh in the house? From how far away can you hear it? Who speaks the softest? When does a child cry the loudest? When she is hungry-or angry? Who is the best cook in the family?

Our likes and dislikes Which is your favourite colour? Which is your friend’s favourite colour? Which is your favourite food? What about your friends favourite food? Do you know your friends’ likes and dislikes? Are there any smells you don’t like (fish, mustard oils, garlic, eggs etc) ? Do you eat fish?
Feeling to read Do you know how people read with their hands? Do you know someone who finds it difficult to walk/ speak/see etc.? How do you think they learn to overcome the problem?

Work And Play Team Games – Your Heroes
Do you play any games in teams? Have you ever been captain of the team? Do boys and girls play together? Have you heard of any Indian team playing in another country? Which is your favorite team sport? Do you know any National level player?

Local games/martial arts
What are the local games/ martial arts of your area? Do you know someone who is good at them? Have you seen a young acrobat or wrestler practicing? Who taught them? For how long have they learnt the art/game? What are the new games in your area that were not played earlier?
What do you do in the evenings for leisure? What if there is no TV? Who decides what programmes to watch?

Blow hot blow cold How many times do you breathe in a minute – on sitting still, just after a run? How much can you expand your chest by breathing deeply? Can you make a glass cloudy by blowing on it? How do you blow to make something cold? Do you also blow to keep a fire going?

Clean work – dirty work?
Can you list ten different types of work that people do for you. In this list what work is seen as dirty and what is seen as clean? What would happen if there were no one to - clean our streets/our home/clear the garbage?


How animals find their food?
If you leave some food outside your house do some animals take it away? How do they find it? Do these animals also hear/speak/ see/smell/ eat/ sleep?

What we take from animals?
What animal products do we use for clothing, shelter, etc.?

Why is the tiger in danger?
Why do people kill wild animals? Which are the animals that are poached?

People who depend on animals
Do you know people who catch/trap/hunt/ entertain using animals? Have you seen how snake charmers/gujjars depend on animals? What do you understand by cruelty to animals? Do you think a snake charmer is cruel to the snake? Have you seen scenes of hunting in rock paintings or on ancient seals?

Growing plants

How does a plant grow from a seed? Can you grow a plant without seeds? How do you grow mangoes/potatoes? Where does the seed come from? Have you seen seeds that fly/stick to your clothes/drift in the water?

Forests and forest people
Have you seen or heard about a forest? How do people live in forests? How is their life threatened by forests being cut? What kinds of foods do they collect from the plants there? What leaves are used for eating on? Do your parents remember places with trees/forests where there are none today? Why were the trees cut and what is there today?

Protected trees
Have you heard of a park/sanctuary? Who looks after it? Does anybody own it? Have you seen a place where trees are worshiped or protected by the villagers?

Plants that have come from far
Does tea come from a plant? Where did people first grow tea and what does the plant look like? Does it grow only in some places/climates? What did people drink when there was no tea in India?


When food gets spoilt

How does food spoil? How do we know that food is spoilt? Which food spoil sooner than others? What can we do to prevent food from getting spoilt? What do we do to keep it fresh during travel? Why do we need to preserve food? Do you leave food in your plate?

Who produces the food we eat?
Do you know of different kinds of farmers? Do all farmers own their land?
How do farmers get the seeds they plant every year? What else besides seeds is required for a crop to grow?

What did people grow earlier?
Did your grandparents or any elderly person eat the same food you eat today? Do all of us eat the same kind of food? Why do we eat different kinds of food?

When people do not get food
Do you know of times when many people do not get enough food to eat? Have you seen where extra grain is stored?
How do you know when you are hungry? Do you know of people who get ill because they do not have enough to eat?

Our mouth – tastes and even digests food! How do we taste food? What happens in the mouth to the food we eat? Why do we give glucose to patients? What is glucose?

Food for plants?
What do plants need for food? Do you know of any plants that eat insects? What do animals eat? Do all animals eat the same food? Do animals eat other animals?



Why different houses Why do you have different kind of houses in different places? Different houses in the same place?

A shelter for everyone?
Does everyone have a shelter to live in? Why do people live together in villages, hamlets, colonies, neighborhoods?

Ants live in colonies? Do you know how bees/ ants live together in colonies?

Times of emergency Have you heard of houses being damaged by floods/earthquakes/ cyclones/fires/storms/ lightening? What would it have felt like? Who are the people who come to help? What can you do to help others before the doctor comes? Where can we look for help at such times? Who runs such institutions?


Water from where in earlier times?
From where and how far did your grandparents get water? How far do you have to go for water? What are underground wells/’baolis’? Do you still see them being used? Have you seen a ‘piaao’?

Water flow
From where do farmers get water to grow crops? Do all crops need the same amount of water? Have you seen water flowing upwards? What are the different ways in which you have seen water being lifted? How is flowing water used to grind grain?

Plants and animals in water
What kinds of animals and plants live in water? Are there weeds that are covering your pond/ lake/ river? Can you classify all the animals you see around you to show which ones live in water and which live on land?

What floats, sinks or mixes?
Have you ever seen anything floating in water? Can you classify as many things around you to see which float, which sink and which mix with water? Does oil mix with water? What are the similarities and differences in water, oil, milk, cold drink, etc.? How do we measure these?

Mosquitoes and malaria
Is there any stagnant water in your locality? Do you find more mosquitoes in stagnant water? Is there any way to reduce the mosquitoes in water? Have you heard of malaria? In what season do you find more people getting ill with malaria?


Petrol or diesel
Do all vehicles need petrol to run on? What other fuels do you know that are used for vehicles? What do trains run on? In the past what did they run on? What do tractors use as fuel? For what other purposes are petrol and diesel used? Find out the cost of a liter of petrol/diesel in your area? Do all vehicles run an equal distance on a liter of fuel?

Rough and tough
ave you seen or been to a mountain? How and why do you think people make such difficult trips? How do you think they train for it?

Ride on a spacecraft What all do you see in the sky – at day time? And at night? How many of the things you see in the sky are man-made? Have you heard of people traveling in a space craft?
Oldest buildings Is there any well-known monument/historical place in your area that people come to visit? What are the oldest buildings around your area? Have you traveled far to see any historical monuments?
Have you heard of those personalities who lived in these monuments or who built these?

Things we Make and Do
Growing Food

How do we grow food? What tools do we use for preparing the field? For cutting and harvesting? For cutting and cooking different vegetables/ dishes? How do we water the crops? How do we lift water through a pump or a waterwheel? Can we make a water wheel, sprinkler, etc.?