Practice Worksheets Class 1 to Class 12

Printable Practice worksheets for Class 1 to Class 12 are available on StudiesToday for free download in pdf format for all students. All practice worksheets, class test practice sheets in PDF have been made as per CBSE NCERT and Kendriya Vidyalaya syllabus by the best and experienced teachers of all subjects having many years of experience of teaching children. The worksheets have been made to ensure that it can be done by all types of students as long, short and very short answer questions are included in the sheets. All teachers, parents and students are encouraged to free download printable practice worksheets for your class and subject and practice them daily to clear topics and concepts and identify your mistakes. We have the largest database free printable practice worksheets and assignments in India for Class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and class 1. We advise our students to download these practice test papers and collection of class practice tests, practice them daily and display the answers to their teachers and parents. All practice worksheets which have been prepared by various schools and have been used by school students have been found to be really useful. Please download these free printable practice worksheets now and practice them to get better marks in your school tests and exams

Practice Worksheet for Class 1 to Class 12 can be easily downloaded for free by clicking on the class wise and subject wise links below. We have provided the biggest collection of worksheets with questions and answers. Many of the worksheets are with answers so that the students can independently solve the questions and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.


Practice Worksheets for Class 12


Practice Worksheets for Class 11


Practice Worksheets for Class 10


Practice Worksheets for Class 9


Practice Worksheets for Class 8


Practice Worksheets for Class 7


Practice Worksheets for Class 6


Worksheets for Class 5


Worksheets for Class 4


Worksheets for Class 3


Worksheets for Class 2


Worksheets for Class 1

Imagine you buy a cycle for yourself. You had seen all the YouTube videos for the same. But, it will not be helpful in any way if you don’t put all the theory into a practical use.

Doing worksheets gives you the practical training to put all your learning into practice. However, a lot of students and even their parents think investing on worksheets is a sheer waste of time.

The use of worksheets in the classroom is one of the most popular strategies used by tons of teachers as a part of their teaching practices. This helps them to fulfil the lost time or the limited amount of time to cover all the major topics.

But, is that the only reason you should download printable worksheets from studiestoday.

Practice Worksheets for all Classes and Subjects

Definitely not at all. There are multiple reasons for switching to practice materials or worksheets for preparing well for your CBSE examinations or finding the best NCERT solutions.

Acts As A Reminder That They Are Doing Well

Worksheets help students understand the concepts that they learn in their classrooms or coaching centers or via home tuitions. It provides them an opportunity to reflect or revise their concepts and understand where they stand.

Aids As A Reviewing and Practicing Material

Worksheets are a good resource and practice material for reviewing what you did so far. As they say practice makes a man perfect. So, do worksheets. They work as perfect tools to enhance students learning capabilities. Plus they act as a revision material to help students have a clear understanding of every single topic for competing well in their CBSE examinations.

Improves Your Problem Solving Skills

When you have a thorough understanding of any particular subject, it will reduce your burden for last-minute revisions. For example, such worksheets are helpful in subjects like Mathematics, science, where you are required to solve questions. Hence you will be able to crack any kind of CBSE examination without much to bother about marks or other stuff.

In the end, worksheets are source materials to understand where and how you are going in your studies. After all every grade is important and one needs to go past them successfully.

So, you can start to download printable worksheets from Studiestoday and ensure to succeed in the upcoming CBSE examinations.

Printable practice worksheets for Class 1 to 12


WORKSHEETS! An Extremely Useful Resource in a Teacher’s Toolbox!

Literally speaking, worksheets are printed pages which the student needs to complete with the help of any writing gadget. It is complete in itself and do not require any other supporting element. Worksheets can be in the form of coloring pages, fill in the blanks, matching exercises, handwriting practice, multiple choice questions, mathematics problems, word searches, crossword puzzles, etc., etc., depending on the age, class and requirement of the aspiring students and their teachers.

In today’s technology driven world, where smart boards, i-pads and computers are high jacking the educational world, printable worksheets still hold an important place as a useful resource to enrich the learning process. Teachers strongly feel that worksheets are printable teaching resources which when clubbed with quality teaching can help students to learn important concepts in a much faster and easier manner.

Worksheets are based on Critical age appropriate Facts and Concepts!!

Now, the first question which comes in my mind is ‘What is the basis which makes the Worksheets Effective’?

There are many different types of worksheets which we would be discussing further in the article and each type is designed to fulfill the requirements of a specific group of students. But there are some common features that make any worksheet more effective and result oriented. Following are the points which form the basis of an effective worksheet:

  1. Worksheets must be clear and should have an excellent presentation.
  2. Worksheets should be well labeled so that they can be easily referred during oral discussions.
  3. Worksheets should be specific to age, subject and ability of the student.
  4. Worksheets should have a readable font size and must avoid unnecessary color distractions.
  5. The content in the worksheets should be well spaced and must not give a cluttered look.
  6. Worksheets should have proper space to write answers.
  7. Worksheets should have clear instructions for the students to perform their task in a systematic way.
  8. Worksheets should use bold, italics and underline options to highlight specific details and tasks.
  9. If the worksheets include more than one topic, then it should be divided into sections with proper sub headings.
  10. Only good quality images should be used in worksheets so that they can be printed or photocopied with clarity.

Moving further in the article, let us discuss the different types of worksheets.

Worksheets differ in type according to their formats. They can be in the form of mind games, quiz, match the following, fill in the blanks, true false, puzzles, straight text, multiple choice questions, etc. Some of the concepts which have proved to be more effective for students are sorting worksheets, matching worksheets, jumbled worksheets, word scramble worksheets and labeling worksheets. Sorting Worksheets are presented with a group of items and are given the task to sort them into specific categories. Matching Worksheets are worksheets that consist of two columns with a task of pairing correctly the items mentioned on both sides according to the prescribed instructions. Word Scrambles Worksheets helps to improve vocabulary and spelling. In this type of worksheet all the letters of each word are mixed up and students have to put them into the proper order. Jumbled Worksheets has a sentence presented with its words all mixed up and students have to correct the order. Similarly, there are other worksheets like Gap fill worksheets, which consist of questions based on filling up the blanks; Labeling Worksheets, which provides an opportunity to the students to identify and label the parts of a visual; Multiple choice worksheets, where one question has a task of choosing the correct answer from the multiple answers available. Last but not the least, Word puzzle Worksheets, which includes activities like word search, crosswords and word maze.

Beyond this, the next thought in mind would be that why the students need to do worksheets. So, let us discuss the Benefits of doing the Worksheets.

Learning is an On-going Process! Thus, it is very essential for individuals, be it students or teachers, to keep it interesting so that it can continue on a longer run with the correct Momentum and Spirit. And Worksheets facilitate to achieve the said target which is base for all the Learning Episodes.

Mostly all the worksheets are prepared by the professionals of the educational world, our teachers, to understand and improve upon the critical age appropriate facts and concepts of the students.

Worksheets boost the interest level of the students towards studying any particular subject or topic. This is because worksheets are usually activity based filled with variety of labels, characters, interesting formats, which makes the journey of learning an adventurous one. Moreover, these worksheets are regularly updated with fresh concepts so that it always keeps the learning graph on the rising note.

Expertise comes with experience! So our first experts, our parents and teachers believe that, practice makes the individual perfect. The academic performance of a child improves a great deal by practicing key learning skills, which is facilitated by doing the worksheets. Whereas it is observed by the experts that children often run away from practice as they find it tedious and boring. This is where worksheets come in the picture to improve the academic proficiency in accordance with the relevant subjects by creating an entirely enjoyable learning experience for students of all grades.

Worksheets also do wonders for the young learning minds. For example, a junior grade student will be more inclined towards studies if a dot to dot worksheet is presented to learn alphabets, a sequence of letters is used to find a way for the cuddly rabbit character and a worksheet full of objects and symbols is used to learn rhyming words. This fun loving learning process through the interesting worksheets presented in the most lively manner help the little ones to learn the basic concepts in a faster and a much easier way. Moreover, the picture memory enables the young students to always remember these aspects in their mind lifelong.

Worksheets are user-friendlyand also make the students self-sufficient. Senior students can also use the worksheets in their self-study. Practice is very important to score well in senior classes. Thus practicing worksheets help the students to self-evaluate their growth and progress and helps them to understand their strengths and weaknesses so that they can regulate their study schedules accordingly for optimum results. Students can also save and keep the relevant worksheets for reference so that they can be used during the examinations.

Worksheets are also used in group activities for developing better communication and teamwork skills amongst students. These worksheets are done in small groups or pairs to encourage the students towards working together as a team. Thus, along with progress in specific subjects and grades, these group worksheets also play a vital role in life skill training. The students learn to help each other and work in co-ordination towards achieving the target. This also builds the strength of unity and sportsmanship.

The most interesting part about the worksheets is that different worksheets of the same subject can be clubbed together to form an answer book for future reference.

Thus we can say that, working with worksheets is not only a routine practice ritual, but it is a creative, useful, interactive and an engaging tool for the teachers of today