Confusing Words test English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. How much of an ....... did World War II have on Europe?
(a) affect
(b) effect
(c) effects
(d) affects
Answer. B

Question. The World War was devastating ....... many countries.
(a) fore
(b) for
(c) four
(d) floor
Answer. B

Question. Lynn and Mike were ecstatic about the ....... of their first child this year.
(a) birth
(b) berth
(c) birch
(d) births
Answer. A

Question. ....... that, they were also happy about the purchase of their new home.
(a) Beside
(b) Among
(c) Besides
(d) Between
Answer. C

Question. The weather on the coast is really wet and cloudy — it rains ........
(a) allot
(b) a lot
(c) lot
(d) allotment
Answer. B

Question. The ....... point is that you'll have to seek counsel about the crisis you're facing.
(a) principal
(b) principle
(c) principals
(d) principles
Answer. A

Question. After a year of continual turmoil, Kevin decided to move to a place with ....... political upheaval.
(a) fewer
(b) less
(c) lesser
(d) few
Answer. B

Question. The army was led by a famous General ....... was known for his tactical and strategic raids.
(a) whose
(b) who's
(c) that
(d) who
Answer. D

Question. There are many ....... and unfortunate people in every country around the world.
(a) pour
(b) pore
(c) poor
(d) poured
Answer. C

Question. Some charity groups are working to lower the ....... of poor people around the world.
(a) numbers
(b) herds
(c) flocks
(d) number
Answer. D

Question. Kevin's dream of creating a perfect world is only an ....... because there is no such thing as a perfect world.
(a) allusion
(b) illusion
(c) allusions
(d) illusions
Answer. B

Question. I think Kevin's heart is in the right place because we should always strive for world ........
(a) pieces
(b) peak
(c) peace
(d) piece
Answer. C

Question. On most evenings just before dusk, the farmer loves to sit on his porch and look out onto the ....... pasture.
(a) quite
(b) quit
(c) quits
(d) quiet
Answer. D

Question. The farmer often says that a peaceful, natural life is the only ....... for him.
(a) way
(b) weigh
(c) whey
(d) ways
Answer. A

Question. Sometimes, there is a lot of animosity between friends. This will certainly cause those ....... relationships to fail.
(a) personnel
(b) personification
(c) personal
(d) personality
Answer. C

Question. Tim's grandparents suffered ....... the Great Depression.
(a) through
(b) thru
(c) threw
(d) thorough
Answer. A

Question. Afterwards, they had to deal with some major and ....... wars as well.
(a) miner
(b) minor
(c) mining
(d) miners
Answer. B

Question. ....... lifestyle is really hectic and unhealthy.
(a) Their
(b) They're
(c) There
(d) They
Answer. A

Question. First Mandy said she wanted ....... pieces of candy and then she asked for three.
(a) to
(b) two
(c) too
(d) tow
Answer. B

Question. At the ....... of the crime, police officers interviewed eyewitnesses and gathered evidence.
(a) seen
(b) seem
(c) scene
(d) scenic
Answer. C

Question. Can you imagine what ....... world would be like if there weren't any cars?
(a) our
(b) hour
(c) are
(d) hours
Answer. A

Question. The fierce wind ....... all night long it was intolerable!
(a) blown
(b) blues
(c) blew
(d) blue
Answer. C

Question. Mathematics is about concepts and practice and you must ....... the basics if you are going to pass your exam.
(a) learned
(b) learn
(c) lean
(d) loan
Answer. B

Question. I don't care where we go. It's up to you. I ate ........
(a) all ready
(b) ready
(c) already
(d) readiness
Answer. C

Question. George ....... her on her speech and she politely thanked him as she walked passed the crowd of reporters.
(a) complemented
(b) compliment
(c) complement
(d) complimented
Answer. D

Question. Every night after supper, Lawrence lies down on the sofa with a good book. Lawrence needs a magnifying glass to read because his ....... is so bad.
(a) site
(b) sight
(c) soot
(d) sights
Answer. B

Question. Thomas really likes the nursing home his children chose for him because his personal ....... is nice and competent.
(a) aids
(b) aid
(c) aide
(d) add
Answer. C

Question. Cindy realized the ....... was crisp and clean and she breathed in deeply to soak in the night's natural charm.
(a) heir
(b) are
(c) err
(d) air
Answer. D

Question. The little girl ....... when her mother told her she couldn't have the toy she saw in the department store.
(a) bald
(b) balled
(c) bawled
(d) bowled
Answer. C

Question. After retirement, the elderly couple decided it was time to ....... their large home and move into something smaller.
(a) cell
(b) sell
(c) seal
(d) seller
Answer. B

Question. The Internet company ....... me for the items I ordered last week.
(a) build
(b) billed
(c) bailed
(d) built
Answer. B

Question. Karrie was tired and soon became ....... with the activity her teacher assigned.
(a) border
(b) board
(c) bored
(d) bowed
Answer. C

Question. Joy tied a ....... in the ribbon so the Christmas package would look beautiful when she sent it to her parents.
(a) knot
(b) naught
(c) not
(d) knock
Answer. A

Question. The adult falcon ....... on smaller birds, mammals and reptiles.
(a) praise
(b) prays
(c) prayed
(d) preys
Answer. D

Question. The ....... came down all night but in the morning, the sun shone and we were able to have a beautiful and dry picnic in the afternoon.
(a) rein
(b) reign
(c) rain
(d) ramp
Answer. C

Question. Dorothy carefully ....... all of the Christmas gifts and then she filled all of the stockings with small gifts and goodies.
(a) rapt
(b) rapped
(c) roped
(d) wrapped
Answer. D

Question. Joey asked his father to ....... him a bedtime story. His favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham' by Doctor Seuss.
(a) read
(b) reed
(c) reel
(d) rid
Answer. A

Question. In each question, the students were asked to choose the ....... word from a multiple choice list of possibilities.
(a) right
(b) write
(c) rite
(d) wrote
Answer. A

Question. The ....... was long and it looked like a ribbon laid out across the hills of the prairies.
(a) road
(b) rode
(c) rowed
(d) rod
Answer. A

Question. The seamstress chose a strong ....... to finish off the dress she was making for her granddaughter's birthday.
(a) seem
(b) seen
(c) seam
(d) scene
Answer. C

Question. The cat chased his ....... until he fell over because he was so dizzy.
(a) tale
(b) tail
(c) tall
(d) teal
Answer. B

Question. The warm breeze and starry sky made that particular ....... the perfect setting for a romantic dinner.
(a) knot
(b) knight
(c) neat
(d) night
Answer. D

Question. As the chocolate chip cookies baked in the oven, a delicious ....... filled the entire house.
(a) cent
(b) scent
(c) sent
(d) send
Answer. B

Question. As Johnny walked up to the plate, the opposing team prayed for a strike or a ....... ball.
(a) fowl
(b) fall
(c) follow
(d) foul
Answer. D

Question. I can ....... the Pacific Ocean and many marine animals, such as seagulls, crabs and clams, from my bedroom window everyday.
(a) see
(b) sea
(c) saw
(d) seen
Answer. A

Question. Tyler ....... that the team was in trouble so he tried harder than usual to strike out the batter.
(a) now
(b) new
(c) know
(d) knew
Answer. D

Question. The ....... affair made everyone uncomfortable. Most wished the ordeal would end very soon.
(a) haul
(b) hole
(c) hail
(d) whole
Answer. D

Question. Tom is a talented and innovative carpenter. He uses many different types of ....... in his work.
(a) wood
(b) wad
(c) would
(d) wade
Answer. A

Question. The ....... was eating from a berry bush when he was suddenly startled by the scent of the approaching and unsuspecting hikers.
(a) beer
(b) bore
(c) bear
(d) bare
Answer. C

Question. Tree frogs usually soak up moisture from the ....... on trees and leaves in the mornings.
(a) due
(b) do
(c) dew
(d) does
Answer. C

Question. The skating ....... performed very well in both the short and long programs.
(a) pare
(b) pear
(c) poor
(d) pair
Answer. D

Question. I want you to ....... the restaurant tonight. I always decide and I'm tired of finding new and interesting places to eat.
(a) choose
(b) chose
(c) chew
(d) chews
Answer. A

Question. Joanne told her young daughter that it is impolite to ....... at people.
(a) stare
(b) stair
(c) store
(d) star
Answer. A

Question. Rebecca is very nervous because, later this afternoon, she has to ....... with the executive vice-president of the firm.
(a) might
(b) meet
(c) meat
(d) mitt
Answer. B

Question. Thomas tried to give blood this past week but the new nurse said she couldn't draw any samples. She was unable to find a suitable ....... in Thomas' arm.
(a) vane
(b) vein
(c) vain
(d) van
Answer. B

Question. Bears' diets consist of mainly fish and ........
(a) buries
(b) berries
(c) bars
(d) beer
Answer. B

Question. Carson felt ....... and nauseous. He wondered if he got food poisoning from seafood restaurant he dined in earlier in the evening.
(a) week
(b) weak
(c) woke
(d) wake
Answer. B

Question. In the summer months, the ....... usually rises at 5 am and sets at about 9 pm.
(a) sum
(b) some
(c) sun
(d) son
Answer. C

Question. The bus driver was issued a new ........ He thought it would be a nice change because it was in a quieter area of the city.
(a) route
(b) root
(c) rot
(d) wrote
Answer. A

Question. The heavy rain fell hard against the window ....... all day long. By nightfall, the streets and sewers overflowed with excess water.
(a) pane
(b) pant
(c) pan
(d) pain
Answer. A

Question. All children love to open ....... on Christmas morning.
(a) presence
(b) presents
(c) prince
Answer. B

Question. A new animal was discovered in Laos. It looked very strange and many people didn't believe it was ....... at first.
(a) reel
(b) roll
(c) real
Answer. C

Question. Sharon normally takes her film to the nearby shop to get her negatives and ....... developed.
(a) prints
(b) prince
(c) poles
Answer. A

Question. The beautiful and rare eagle ....... above the mountain top. It was an outstanding sight.
(a) sword
(b) spayed
(c) soared
Answer. C

Question. After the lay-off announcement, most of the workers felt like they were in a ........ They couldn't believe they all lost their jobs.
(a) days
(b) dice
(c) daze
Answer. C

Question. On Saturday night, Clay and Cindy are going to watch a concert at the local auditorium. The new ....... received good reviews in the paper this past week.
(a) banned
(b) band
(c) bond
Answer. B

Question. Many years ago, most working dogs were ....... to perform certain tasks well.
(a) bred
(b) brood
(c) bread
Answer. A

Question. The farmer frantically called the veterinarian when he realized his cows broke into the large grain ........ His whole herd could die because too much grain at one time is bad for cows.
(a) been
(b) bin
(c) bone
Answer. B

Question. While the family was camping, they heard a loud growl in the bushes. They were afraid that it might be a bear because they were camping in ....... country.
(a) grisly
(b) gruesome
(c) grizzly
Answer. C

Question. You ....... to get your car fixed. I'm tired of driving you around!
(a) halve
(b) half
(c) have
Answer. C

Question. The ....... in the play had long, dark hair and beautiful eyes and she played the part very well. I think she's going to go far in her career.
(a) heroine
(b) heroin
(c) hero
Answer. A

Question. During the tumultuous war, Isaac decided he and his family should ....... their country.
(a) flea
(b) flee
(c) flew
Answer. B

Question. Karen bought beautiful shoes for the wedding but they didn't fit right so she got blisters on the ....... of both her feet.
(a) heals
(b) heels
(c) holes
Answer. B

Question. Every morning, the children play together as they ....... for the school bus to arrive. Sometimes, however, the weather is really bad so they huddle together in the bus shelter.
(a) wait
(b) weight
(c) want
Answer. A

Question. When the weather is cold and wet, some of the children ....... a lot until the school bus arrives.
(a) wine
(b) wind
(c) whine
Answer. C

Question. There are many kinds of frogs and ....... in the world. In fact, there are more than 5,000 species.
(a) towed
(b) toads
(c) toes
Answer. B

Question. After the inappropriate outburst, everyone seemed ....... at the meeting.
(a) tents
(b) teas
(c) tense
Answer. C

Question. A jogger immediately called the wildlife department on her cell phone when she saw the beached ........
(a) wail
(b) while
(c) whale
Answer. C

Question. The king was not a nice man but he did look very regal when he sat on his ........
(a) throne
(b) thrown
(c) threw
Answer. A

Question. The honeymooners rented the penthouse ....... at the gorgeous hotel with the stunning, ocean front views.
(a) sweet
(b) sweat
(c) suite
Answer. C

Question. A-frame houses are great. I love the ....... at the front of the house and the vaulted ceilings on the inside.
(a) peek
(b) peak
(c) pique
Answer. B

Question. The teacher did not extend the essay's due date despite her students' ........
(a) pleas
(b) please
(c) pleats
Answer. A

Question. A single ....... fell from her eyes when she heard about the fire.
(a) tare
(b) tier
(c) tear
Answer. C

Question. The left-wing government decided to take an opinion ....... to find out whether or not the people agreed with the upcoming laws.
(a) poll
(b) pole
(c) paw
Answer. A

Question. Steven broke his big toe but doctors don't usually ....... toes so he should be really careful until it heals.
(a) caste
(b) cast
(c) cost
Answer. B

Question. At the ....... of the painting, beautiful watercolors were used to depict water.
(a) bass
(b) bees
(c) base
Answer. C

Question. The racoon ....... the little squirrel around the backyard for nearly 20 minutes.
(a) chased
(b) chaste
(c) caste
Answer. A

Question. The ....... party met at 8 pm for the wedding rehearsal and, afterwards, for the rehearsal dinner.
(a) bridle
(b) bridal
(c) brittle
Answer. B

Question. The ....... reef in Australia is beautiful. We went scuba diving and saw some of the underwater natural beauty.
(a) choral
(b) coral
(c) corral
Answer. B

Question. During the boring play, Isaiah began to ....... off. His head fell onto his mother's shoulder.
(a) does
(b) don
(c) doze
Answer. C

Question. The ....... on the little boy's bicycle needs to be replaced so he can safely ride his bike around the neighborhood.
(a) peddle
(b) pedal
(c) puddle
Answer. B

Question. Josephine told her best friend, Olivia, to ....... the moment because Olivia is going to Europe this summer.
(a) seas
(b) sees
(c) seize
Answer. C

Question. Katherine felt like to doing something different so she decided to pierce her ......., or belly button, this week.
(a) navel
(b) naval
(c) novice
Answer. A

Question. Sandra loves to sit on her porch and drink coffee in the ........
(a) mourning
(b) morning
(c) mowing
Answer. B

Question. You must ....... the garlic cloves in order to use them in this recipe.
(a) mice
(b) mints
(c) mince
Answer. C

Question. You have to ....... a coat today because it's been snowing all night long. It's so cold!
(a) where
(b) wear
(c) ware
Answer. B

Question. Children, all over the world, are studying ....... arts such as karate, kung-fu and tae-kwon-do.
(a) martial
(b) marshall
(c) masher
Answer. A

Question. The shopping ....... is so crowded because today is Christmas Eve.
(a) mall
(b) maul
(c) mole
Answer. A

Question. Don't forget to ....... the window. There was a terrible draft in here when I came home yesterday.
(a) clothes
(b) clause
(c) close
Answer. C

Question. Did you read the ....... in the contract? You should because it's an important section in the document.
(a) clause
(b) claws
(c) clothes
Answer. A