CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set H

Refer to CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set H provided below. CBSE Class 6 Science MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 6 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for NSO Olympiad are an important part of exams for Class 6 Science and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

Class 6 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for NSO Olympiad in Class 6. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 6 Science will come in exams and help you to score good marks

NSO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 6 Science with Answers


1. Find the missing number, if a certain rule is followed either row-wise or column-wise.
A. 6
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9
Answer : A

2. A square transparent Sheet (X), with a pattern and a dotted line on it is given. Find the figure from the options as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded along the dotted line


Answer : D

3. In the given Venn diagram, triangle represents healthy people, rectangle represents old persons and circle represents males. Which of the following numbers represent healthy females who are old?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 2
Answer : A

4. In a line of boys facing North, Atul is 19th from the right end and Shubham is 20th from the left end.
If there are 6 boys between them and Atul is in the left of Shubham, what is the total number of boys in the line?
A. 34
B. 31
C. 29
D. 32
Answer : B

5. Find the total number of triangles formed in the given figure.
A. 22
B. 24
C. 23
D. None of these
Answer : B

6. Study the following information and answer the question that follows.
• Kavya, Sonam and Rachit are intelligent.
• Chetna, Kavya and Ajay are hard-working.
• Chetna, Rachit and Ajay are ambitious.
• Kavya, Sonam and Ajay are honest.
Who among the following persons is neither hard-working nor ambitious but is honest?
A. Rachit
B. Kavya
C. Ajay
D. Sonam
Answer : D

7. Select a figure from the options which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in Fig. (X).

8. In a certain code language, TRAINING is written as RTYKLKLI. How will INACTIVE be written in the same code language?
Answer : C

9. There is a certain relationship between figures (1) and (2). Establish the similar relationship between figures (3) and (4) by selecting a suitable figure from the given options that would replace the (?) in figure (4).


Answer : B

10. Group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.


A. 1, 6, 9; 2, 3, 8; 4, 5, 7
B. 2, 5, 8; 3, 4, 6; 1, 7, 9
C. 1, 6, 9; 3, 4, 8; 5, 2, 7
D. 3, 4, 7; 1, 6, 9; 2, 5, 8
Answer : D


11. Four groups of everyday objects were made by Vijeta.
Out of these only one group has the same type of machines. Identify this group and select the correct option.
A. Lift, escalator, pliers
B. Nutcracker, wheelbarrow, bottle opener
C. Door knob, handle of an eggbeater, see saw
D. Axe, lift, door knob
Answer : B

12. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
(i) The size of a shadow changes with the distance between the light source and the object.
(ii) The dark part of a shadow that receives no light from the source is called the penumbra.
(iii) The image formed by a pinhole camera is always of the same size as the object.
(iv) During solar eclipse the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth.
A. (i) and (ii) only
B. (iii) and (iv) only
C. (i) and (iv) only
D. (ii) and (iii) only
Answer : D

13. A compass is placed between two magnets as shown in the diagram. Magnet X is stronger than magnet Y.
In which direction will the compass needle point?

Answer : C

14. Read the given paragraph with few blanks and select the option that correctly fills these blanks.
An eclipse occurs when a planet or moon gets in the way of the sun's light. If the moon is completely hidden by the shadow of the earth, it is called (i) . In solar eclipse the (ii) casts a shadow on the (iii) . Lunar eclipse occurs at (iv) and solar eclipse occurs only at (v) day.

Answer : D

15. Which of the following conversions is/are incorrect?
(i) 10 decades = 1 century
(ii) 100 centuries = 1 millennium
(iii) 100 inches = 2.54 metres
(iv) 100 millimetres = 10 centimetres
A. (ii) only
B. (iv) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (iii) and (iv) only
Answer : A

16. A windmill is pushed by four external forces as shown.
Calculate the force F required to make the windmill stationary.
A. –10 N
B. 10 N
C. 13 N
D. 17 N
Answer : C

17. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : At sunrise or at sunset, the shadows on the ground become much longer than the sizes of the objects.
Statement 2 : The size of the shadow becomes smaller when the object is brought near the light source or the screen is moved away from the object.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.
D. Statement 1 is false but statement 2 is true.
Answer : C

18. A solid transparent sphere has a small opaque dot at its centre. When observed from outside, the apparent position of the dot will be
A. Closer to the eye than its actual position
B. The same as its actual position
C. Farther away from the eye than its actual position
D. None of these.
Answer : B

19. Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) An electric circuit must be opened for current to flow through it.
(ii) A dry cell converts electrical energy into chemical energy.
(iii) Electric current always flows from positive to the negative terminal of the cell through the circuit.
(iv) Pure water does not conduct electricity.
A. (i) and (ii) only
B. (iii) and (iv) only
C. (i), (ii) and (iii) only
D. (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
Answer : B

20. A ball dropped from point P bounces to point Q before dropping again. Which one of the following is true?

A. Energy is not conserved.
B. When the ball reaches the ground at point X, its kinetic energy is equal to its gravitational potential energy.
C. When the ball hits the ground at point X, a small part of its energy is lost due to deformation of the ball.
D. From point X to point Q, kinetic energy of the ball increases
Answer : C

21. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    Column I         Column II
P. Air                   (i) Insulator
Q. Aluminium     (ii) Transparent
R. Wood            (iii) Opaque
S. Milk               (iv) Magnetic
T. Iron                (v) Conductor
A. P - (v), Q - (iii), R - (i), S - (ii), T - (iv)
B. P - (iv), Q - (ii), R - (iii), S - (i), T - (v)
C. P - (ii), Q - (v), R - (i), S - (iii), T - (iv)
D. P - (i), Q - (iv), R - (v), S - (ii), T - (iii)
Answer : C

22. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
I. Evaporation of water at ordinary temperature is a physical and slow change.
II. Germination of seeds is a chemical and fast change.
III. Bursting of balloon is a chemical and fast change.
IV. Glowing of a bulb is a physical and fast change.
V. Digestion of food is a physical and slow change.
A. II and III only
B. IV and V only
C. I and IV only
D. II, III and V only
Answer : D

23. Various substances around us are grouped as follows :
Group I : Book, copper, aluminium, gold
Group II : Cotton ball, silk cloth, sponge, silver spoon
Group III : Paper, petrol, CNG, lemonade
Identify the odd-one out in each group and its property which makes it odd.

Answer : D

24. Study the given flow chart carefully.

P, Q and R could be respectively
A. Chalk powder, water and sawdust
B. Salt, water and sugar
C. Sugar, water and sawdust
D. Sawdust, water and sugar.
Answer : C

25. A rectangular block of substance X has a length of 20 cm, breadth 10 cm and height 5 cm. The mass of the block is 2.7 kg. If density of water is 1 g/cmthen, which of the following statements is correct?

A. The block will float in water as its density is 0.027 g/cm3.
B. The block will sink in water as its density is 2.7 g/cm3.
C. The block will sink in water as its density is 2.7 kg/cm3.
D. The block will float in water as its density is 0.0027 g/cm3.
Answer : B

26. Study the given Venn diagram carefully and identify points 1, 2 and 3.

Answer : D

27. The given figures show arrangement of particles of a substance X at different temperatures.

Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The boiling point of the substance X is between 75 °C and 125 °C.
B. The melting point of the substance X is below 75 °C.
C. Particles of substance X at 125 °C have more kinetic energy than at 75 °C.
D. All of these
Answer : D

28. Ms Rashmita, a science teacher has written a few properties of substances X, Y and Z on the blackboard as :
X : Floats on water, bad conductor of heat
Y : Soft, floats on water, opaque in nature
Z : Hard, sinks in water, transparent
Which of the following correctly matches with the descriptions of X, Y and Z?
            X                    Y                         Z

A. Cardboard        Rubber ball         Plastic mug
B. Steel spoon      Cork                   Paper weight
C. Pen                 Plastic bottle        Eraser
D. Plastic mug     Thermocol            Glass bowl
Answer : D

29. Fill in the blanks in the given table by choosing an appropriate option.

Answer : A

30. Refer to the given graph depicting seed dispersal in three different types of plants X, Y and Z.
Select the incorrect option regarding this.
A. X could be geranium, Y could be Xanthium and Z could be dandelion.
B. Y may produce edible fruits or seeds with hooks and spines.
C. Seeds of X may have hair or wing like structures that enable them to float in air currents.
D. Seeds of Z are small and light weighted.
Answer : C

31. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Pectoral girdle is the region where legs are attached to the hips.
B. Osteoporosis in the childhood is called rickets which is marked by insufficient amount of calcium in the bones.
C. Vertebral column of man has more number of vertebrae than that of woman.
D. Snail moves with the help of its muscular foot.
Answer : D

32. Refer to the given flow chart and select the incorrect option regarding P, Q and R.

A. There are some bacteria present in the soil that convert P into simple soluble form which can be taken by plants for manufacturing their proteins.
B. Q is the gas that is added to atmosphere only by photosynthetic activity of green plants.
C. Increased R in atmosphere could lead to increased greenhouse effect thereby leading to global warming.
D. Animals get P directly from atmospheric air to manufacture their proteins.
Answer : D

33. Refer to the given groups (i) - (iv). Each group contains one wrong member. Identify the odd members and select the correct option.
(i) Flax, Coir, Wool, Sisal
(ii) Cotton, Jute, Flax, Hemp
(iii) Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic, Silk
(iv) Shahtoosh, Wool, Silk, Coir
      (i)             (ii)           (iii)              (iv)
A. Sisal       Hemp       Acrylic      Shahtoosh
B. Flax       Jute          Nylon        Silk
C. Wool      Cotton      Silk           Coir
D. Coir       Flax          Nylon        Wool
Answer : C

34. Following are the properties of four minerals P, Q, R and S. Identify them and select the correct option regarding them.
P : It is required for proper functioning of thyroid gland.
Q : It helps in maintaining body’s water balance.
R : It is important for haemoglobin formation.
S : It strengthens bones and teeth and helps in blood clotting.
A. Deficiency of P causes dryness of eyes and inflammation of tongue.
B. Q is also required for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
C. Deficiency of R causes goitre.
D. S also helps to fight infections and keeps skin and mouth healthy.
Answer : B

35. Study the given relationship and select the option that satisfies the same relationship.
              Pumpkin :: Rose :: Pea
A. Money plant :: Hibiscus :: Bottle gourd
B. Mint :: Bottlebrush :: Grapevine
C. Watermelon :: Hibiscus :: Betel
D. Calliandra :: Spinach :: Bitter gourd
Answer : C

36. Read the given paragraph.
X prevents soil erosion occurring due to flowing water on hills whereas Y prevents soil erosion occurring due to flowing water in plains.
Identify X and Y and select the incorrect option regarding them.
A. X is an agricultural practice wherein slopes of hills are cut into graduated terrace that are used for growing crops.
B. Y is built along river banks and prevents soil erosion by floods.
C. X is terrace farming and Y is deforestation.
D. The amount of soil lost is less in X as the soil eroded from one step is deposited on the next step.
Answer : C

37. Which of the following matches are incorrect?
(i) Blowholes   -   Scoliodon
(ii) Moist skin   -   Earthworm
(iii) Spiracles   -   Honeybee
(iv) Gills          -    Adult frog
(v) Lungs        -    Pigeon
A. (ii), (iii) and (v) only
B. (i), (ii) and (v) only
C. (iii), (iv) and (v) only
D. (i) and (iv) only
Answer : D

38. Refer to the given figures of different muscles. Identify X, Y and Z and select the correct statement regarding them.

A. Y muscles are under our control.
B. X is present in blood vessels, intestine and stomach.
C. Z works continuously throughout our life.
D. X is smooth muscle, Y is skeletal muscle whereas
Z is cardiac muscle.
Answer : C

39. Refer to the given Venn diagram and select the correct option regarding P, Q, R and S.

          P                Q                  R                  S
A. Mustard      Wheat          Neem             Palm
B. Gram          Pea              Sunflower       Grass
C. Maize         Spinach       China rose      Barley
D. Mint            Carrot          Mango            Rice
Answer : A

40. Refer to the given dichotomous key.
I. (a) It is a solid waste. – Go to II
(b) It is a gaseous waste. – Go to III
II. (a) It is biodegradable. – Go to IV
(b) It is non-biodegradable. – Go to V
III. (a) It causes acid rain. – P
(b) It leads to global warming. – Q
IV. (a) It can be composted. – R
(b) It cannot be composted. – S
V. (a) It can be recycled. – T
(b) It cannot be recycled. – U
Select the option that correctly identifies P, Q, R, S, T and U

Answer : B

41. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes

A. (a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (iii)
B. (a) - (i), (b) - (ii), (c) - (iii), (d) - (iv)
C. (a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iv)
D. (a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iii), (d) - (iv)
Answer : C

42. The given table categorise few organisms present in a community on the basis of their feeding habits.

Which of the following shows the correct food web that is formed by interlinking of these organisms? 

Answer : B

43. Refer to the given flow chart and identify P, Q, R, S and T.

Answer : C

44. Refer to the given classification chart and select the correct option regarding it.

Answer : B

45. The table given below shows the amount of water in five identical beakers at the start of an experiment. It also shows the time required for the water in each beaker to go down by 20 mL.

What can we conclude from the table?
A. Water in beaker Q evaporates faster than in beaker P.
B. Water in beaker T evaporates faster than in beaker Q.
C. Water in beaker T evaporates faster than in beaker P.
D. Beakers R and S will have the same amount of water after 60 min
Answer : A


46. The given figure shows six bells P, Q, R, S, T, U and a bulb X connected in a circuit. Which of the given bells will continue to ring even if bulb X fuses?
A. Q, R and S only
B. Q and U only
C. P, S, T and U only
D. P, Q, R, S and T
Answer : C

47. The given graphs show number and average biomass of different organisms present in an aquatic ecosystem.

Select the correct option regarding the food chain formed by interlinking organisms W, X, Y and Z.
A. X could be a producer and forms the first link in the food chain formed by interlinking these organisms.
B. Y and W could be primary and secondary consumers respectively in the food chain formed by interlinking these organisms.
C. The correct relation of these organisms in the food chain is X→ W→ Z→ Y.
D. If a population of an exotic species is introduced in this community which exclusively feeds on X, then populations of Z and W will be negatively affected.
Answer : B

48. Read the given paragraph.
The human skeleton consists of many different long and short bones. The upper arm consists of a long bone called (i) whereas (ii) and (iii) are the long bones of lower arm. (iv) is the long bone of upper leg whereas lower leg consists of two long bones called (v) and (vi). Carpals, (vii) and phalanges are bones of wrist and hands whereas ankle and feet have bones called (viii), metatarsals and phalanges.
Select the option that correctly fills any four blanks in the above paragraph.
A. (ii)-Ulna, (iv)-Fibula, (vi)-Tibia, (viii)-Tarsals
B. (i)-Radius, (iii)-Humerus, (v)-Tibia, (vii)-Clavicle
C. (i)-Humerus, (ii)-Radius, (iv)-Femur, (vii)-Metacarpals
D. (ii)-Ulna, (iii)-Radius, (v)-Femur, (vi)-Scapula
Answer : C

49. A few changes are listed in the given box.
(i) Cooking of food (ii) Dissolving washing soda in water
(iii) Burning of wood (iv) Water to steam (v) Respiration
(vi) Quick lime to slaked lime
Now, read the given passage and fill in the blanks by choosing an appropriate option.
Processes p involve consumption of heat energy and are q in nature while processes r involve evolution of heat energy and are s in nature.
Answer : B

50. Refer to the given paragraph where few words /phrases have been italicised and select the correct option.
Different organisms show different adaptations to adjust in their habitats. Plants inhabiting deserts have leaves with drip tips which help in draining excess sand sticking to their surfaces. In some plants like Aloe vera, leaves are reduced to spines to check transpirational loss of water. Plants inhabiting rainforests are normally cone shaped with sloping branches and needle like leaves, e.g., pine trees. Animals found in cold mountainous regions become generally active at night and remain deep in their burrows during daytime.
They excrete dilute urine. Animals inhabiting polar regions possess subcutaneous fat and thick fur to protect them from cold.
A. Deserts should be replaced with polar regions whereas sand should be replaced with water.
B. Aloe vera should not be replaced as it is correctly mentioned whereas pine should be replaced with neem.
C. The positions of cold mountainous regions and rainforests should be interchanged.
D. Dilute should be replaced with concentrated whereas subcutaneous fat should not be replaced as it is correctly mentioned.
Answer : D

Chapter 01 Food Where Does It Come From
CBSE Class 6 Science Food Where does it Come from MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science Components of Food MCQs
Chapter 04 Sorting Materials Into Groups
CBSE Class 6 Science Sorting Materials into Groups MCQs
Chapter 05 Separation of Substances
CBSE Class 6 Science Separation of Substances MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science Changes Around Us MCQs
Chapter 07 Getting to Know Plants
CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to Know Plants MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings MCQs
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
CBSE Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances MCQs
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NSO Olympiad CBSE Class 6 MCQs Science

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What are MCQs for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for NSO Olympiad Class 6 Science are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.