CBSE Class 9 Science Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 9 Science Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs provided below. CBSE Class 9 Science MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 9 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements

Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements in Class 9. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 9 Science will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers

Question. Dobereiner, in 1829, pointed out that when elements are arranged in the order of increasing relative atomic masses, in a triad, the relative atomic mass of the middle element was approximatery equal to the mean of the relative atomic masses of the first and third elements. Name the element which is in between the elements calcium and barium :
(a) Beryllium
(b) Magnesium
(c) Strontium
(d) Iodine
Answer : C
Question. The third member of the Dobereiner triad consisting of lithium and sodium is :
(a) Potassium
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Boron
(d) Barium
Answer : A
Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are chlorine and iodine, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Fluorine
(b) Bromine
(c) Sodium
(d) Calcium
Answer : B
Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are sulphur and selenium, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Calcium
(b) Barium
(c) Strontium
(d) Tellurium
Answer : D
Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are phosphorus and antimony, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Arsenic
(b) Sulphur
(c) Iodine
(d) Calcium
Answer : A
Question. Who gave the 'law of octaves'?
(a) Dobereiner
(b) Lothar meyer
(c) Mendeleef
(d) Newlands
Answer : D
Question. Lothar Meyer obtained the curve for the known elements plotting their atomic volumes against :
(a) Atomic numbers
(b) Atomic masses
(c) Densities
(d) Ionization energies
Answer : B
Question. In Lothar Meyer plot, the peaks are occupied by :
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens
(d) Noble gases
Answer : A
Question. According to Mendeleef periodic law, the properties of elements are periodic function of their :
(a) Atomic mass
(b) Atomic numbers
(c) Atomic volumes
(d) Densities
Answer : A
Question. Mendeleef periodic table had no place for
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens
(d) Noble gases
Answer : D
Question. The basis of the modern long form of the periodic table is :
(a) Atomic masses
(b) Atomic number
(c) Atomic size
(d) Atomic volume
Answer : B
Question. The elements with atomic numbers 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86 are all :
(a) Halogens
(b) Noble gases
(c) Noble metals
(d) Light metals
Answer : B
Question. In the periodic table :
(a) There are two elements in the first period
(b) There are eighteen elements in the third period
(c) The horizontal rows are called groups
(d) The vertical columns are called periods
Answer : A
Question. How many periods are there in the long form of the periodic table?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
Answer : B
Question. Elements in the vertical group of the periodic table have generally the same :
(a) Atomic size
(b) Electronic configuration
(c) Number of electrons
(d) Number of electrons in the outermost shell of their atoms
Answer : D
Question. The elements with atomic numbers 3, 11, 19, 37 and 55 belong to :
(a) Alkali metals
(c) Alkaline earth metals
(b) Halogens
(d) Noble gases
Answer : A
Question. The elements with atomic numbers 4, 12, 20, 38 and 56 belong to :
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens
(d) Noble gases
Answer : B
Question. The elements with atomic numbers 9, 17, 35, 53 and 85 belong to :
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens
(d) Noble gases
Answer : C
Question. The atomic number of the element next to 16S in the same group is :
(a) 18
(b) 24
(c) 34
(d) 42
Answer : C
Question. The atomic number of the element next to 53I in the same group is :
(a) 55
(b) 61
(c) 85
(d) 93
Answer : C
Question. The atomic number of the element next to 2He in the same group is :
(a) 4
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 52
Answer : B
Question. The elements belonging to IA to VIIA and 0 groups are known as :
(a) Alkali metals
(c) Representative elements
(c) Transition elements
(d) Inner-transition elements
Answer : B
Question. The elements belonging to IIIB to VIII and IB and IIB are known as :
(a) Representative elements
(b) Transition elements
(c) Lanthanides
(d) Actinides
Answer : B
Question. Each transition series contains a total of :
(a) 2 elements
(b) 8 elements
(c) 10 elements
(d) 18 elements
Answer : C
Question. The number of elements in each of the inner transition series is :
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 14
Answer : D

Question. The third member of the Dobereiner triad consisting of lithium and sodium is :
(a) Potassium
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Boron
(d) Barium
Answer : A

Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are chlorine and iodine, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Fluorine
(b) Bromine
(c) Sodium
(d) Calcium
Answer : B

Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are sulphur and selenium, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Calcium
(b) Barium
(c) Strontium
(d) Tellurium
Answer : D

Question. If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are phosphorus and antimony, the third member of this triad is :
(a) Arsenic
(b) Sulphur
(c) Iodine
(d) Calcium
Answer : A

Question. Who gave the 'law of octaves'?
(a) Dobereiner
(b) Lothar meyer
(c) Mendeleef
(d) Newlands
Answer :  D

Question. Upto which element, the Law of Octaves was found to be applicable
(a) Oxygen
(b) Calcium
(c) Cobalt
(d) Potassium
Answer : B

Question. Increasing order of electro negativity is
(a) Bi < P < S < Cl
(b) P < Bi < S < Cl
(c) S < Bi < P < Cl
(d) Cl < S < Bi < P
Answer : A

Question. Which of the given elements A, B, C, D and E with atomic number 2, 3, 7, 10 and 30 respectively belong to the same period?
(a) A, B, C
(b) B, C, D
(c) A, D, E
(d) B, D, E
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following statements about the Modern Periodic Table is correct:
(a) It has 18 horizontal rows known as Periods
(b) It has 7 vertical columns known as Periods
(c) It has 18 vertical columns known as Groups
(d) It has 7 horizontal rows known as Groups
Answer : C

Question. The most distinctive property of the noble gases is that they are:
(a) Unreactive
(b) Radioactive
(c) Metalloid
(d) Metallic
Answer : A

Question. The group number, number of valence electrons, and valency of an element with the atomic number 15, respectively, are:
(a) 16, 5 and 2
(b) 15, 5 and 3
(c) 16, 6 and 3
(d) 15, 6 and 2
Answer : B

Question. Which of the p-block elements are not representative elements?
(a) Alkali metals (I-A)
(b) Group-14 elements (IV-A)
(c) Group-18 elements (VIII-A)
(d) Halogens (VII-A)
Answer : C

Question. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with high melting point. X would most likely be:
(a) Si
(b) Al
(c) Na
(d) Mg
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following pairs has both members from the same period of the periodic table.
(a) Na – Ca
(b) Na – Cl
(c) Ca – Cl
(d) Cl – Br
Answer : B

Question. In the Modern Periodic Table, if an element with atomic number 'X' is an inert gas, then an element with atomic number (X-1) will be placed in:
(a) Group 16
(b) Group 17
(c) Group 15
(d) Group 18
Answer : B

Question. An element 'Z' has the electronic configuration 2, 8. Name the element 'Z' and determine its atomic number.
(a) Argon, 10
(b) Neon, 8
(c) Neon, 10
(d) Helium,10
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following forms the most stable gaseous negative ion?
(a) F
(b) Cl
(c) Br
(d) I
Answer : B

Question. which of the following elements are found in pitch blende?
(a) Actinium and protoactinium
(b) Neptunium and plutonium
(c) Actinium only
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer :  B

Question. How many periods and groups are present in the periodic table?
(a) 7 periods and 18 groups
(b) 8 periods and 7 groups
(c) 7 periods and 7 groups
(d) 8 periods and 8 groups
Answer :  A

Question. Which of the following statements is not a correct statement about the trends when going from, left to right across the periods of the Periodic Table?
(a) The elements become less metallic in nature.
(b) The number of valence electrons increases.
(c) The atoms lose their electrons more easily.
(d) The oxides become more acidic.
Answer :  C

Question. Which of the following properties generally decreases along a period?
(a) Ionization Energy
(b) Metallic Character
(c) Electron Affinity
(d) Valency.
Answer :  B

Question.The electronic configuration of halogen is
(a) ns² np6
(b) ns² np3
(c) ns² np5
(d) ns²Answer
Answer :  C

Question. Which of the following is the correct order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen?
(a) O < F < N
(b) N < F < O
(c) O < N < F
(d) F < O < N
Answer :  D

Question. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2 , which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as
(a) Na
(b) Mg
(c) Al
(d) Si
Answer :  B

Question. Which group elements are called transition metals?
(a) Group number 1 to 2
(b) Group number 13 to 18
(c) Group number 3 to 12
(d) Group number 1 to 8
Answer :  C

Question. The element with atomic number 35 belongs to
(a) d – Block
(b) f – Block
(c) p – Block
(d) s – Block
Answer : C

Question. 14 elements after actinium is called
(a) Lanthanides
(b) Actinides
(c) d-block elements
(d) p-block elements
Answer : B

Question. The group number and period number respectively of an element with atomic number 8 is
(a) 6, 2
(b) 16, 2
(c) 6, 8
(d) 16, 4
Answer : A

Question. In the third period of the Periodic Table the element having smallest size is
(a) Na
(b) Ar
(c) Cl
(d) Si
Answer : B

Question. The increasing order of the atomic radii of elements Na, Rb, K, Mg is
(a) Na < K < Mg < Rb
(b) K < Na < Mg < Rb
(c) Na < Mg < K < Rb
(d) Mg < Na < K < Rb
Answer : C

Question. An element with atomic number will form a basic oxide _________.
(a) 7
(b) 17
(c) 14
(d) 11
Answer : D

Question. The correct order of the increasing radii of the elements Na, Si, Al and P is
(a) Si, Al, P, Na
(b) P, Si, Al, Na
(c) Al, Si, P, Na
(d) Al, P, Si, Na
Answer : B

Question. Which is not true about noble gases?
(a) They are non-metallic in nature
(b) They exist in atomic form
(c) They are radioactive in nature
(d) Xenon is the most reactive among these
Answer : C

Question. Identify the wrong sequence of the elements in a group
(a) Ca, Sr, Ba
(b) Cu, Au, Ag
(c) N, P, As
(d) Cl, Br, I
Answer : B

Question. Mendeleev predicted the existence of two elements and named them as eka-silicon and eka-aluminium. Identify the elements which took their position at later stage
(a) Si and Ge
(b) Si and Ga
(c) Ge and Ga
(d) Si and Al
Answer : C

Question. The element with atomic number 3 to 10 belong to the second period. Identify the most electropositive and most electronegative element. 
(a) F, Li
(b) Li, F
(c) Li, Ne
(d) Ne, Li
Answer : B


Very Short Answer Questions

Question. Did Döbereiner’s triads also exist in the columns of Newland’s Octaves? Compare and find out.
Answer : Yes, it exists in the Newland’s octave. It is Li, Na and K.

Question. What were the limitations of Newlands’ Law of Octaves?
Answer : • Newlands’ law was applicable only till calcium, after Ca, every eighth element did not possess properties similar to first.
• New elements discovered did not fit into the law.
• Wrong order of arrangement of elements was done, e.g. Co and Ni do not resemble halogen were found together in same slot, Fe being similar to Co and Ni was separated and kept in different slot.

Question. Besides gallium, which other elements have since been discovered that were left by Mendeleev in his Periodic Table? (any two)
Answer : Besides gallium, germanium and scandium have been discovered.

Question. Why do you think noble gases are placed in a separate group?
Answer :
 Noble gases are inactive, do not resemble other elements and all of them show same properties, hence they are grouped separately.

Question. Name two elements you would expect to show chemical reactions similar to magnesium.
What is the basis for your choice?

Answer : Calcium and barium.
Reason : (i) Both of them belong to same group as magnesium.
(ii) Ba and Ca has same valence electrons as Mg, and will show same properties as of magnesium.

Question. (a) Lithium, sodium, potassium are all metals that react with water to liberate hydrogen gas. Is there any similarity in the atoms of these elements?
(b) Helium is an unreactive gas and neon is a gas of extremely low reactivity. What, if anything, do their atoms have in common?
Answer :
 (a) All these metals are highly reactive, they have same valence electrons i.e. 1 and can readily loose electrons to become positive ions.
(b) Helium and neon have completely filled outermost shell.

Question. By considering their position in the Periodic Table, which one of the following elements would you expect to have maximum metallic characteristics?
Ga, Ge, As, Se, Be
Answer :
 Among the given elements Be will show maximum metallic characteristics as it belongs to extreme left of the Periodic Table.


Short Answer Questions

Question. (a) What property do all elements in the same column of the Periodic Table as boron have in common?
(b) What property do all elements in the same column of the Periodic Table as fluorine have in common?
Answer :
 (a) All other elements have same valence electrons and their valency is 3.
(b) All are non-metals, they have same valence electrons i.e., 7 and their valency is 1, all of them gain electrons to form negative ions.

Question. The position of three elements A, B and C in the Periodic Table are shown below:

CBSE Class 9 Science Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs
(a) State whether A is a metal or non-metal.
(b) State whether C is more reactive or less reactive than A.
(c) Will C be larger or smaller in size than B?
(d) Which type of ion, cation or anion, will be formed by element A?
Answer :
 (a) ‘A’ is non-metal.
(b) ‘C’ is less reactive than ‘A’
(c) ‘C’ is smaller in size than ‘B’
(d) ‘A’ will form negatively charged ion — Anion

Question. How does the electronic configuration of an atom relate to its position in the Modern Periodic Table?
Answer :
 The position of element depends upon its electronic configuration. The number of shells is equal to the period number. The valence electrons decides the group number in which it will be, elements with 1 valence electrons belong to group 1.
Elements with 2 valence electrons belong to group 2.

Question. Compare and contrast the arrangement of elements in Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and the Modern Periodic Table.
Answer :

CBSE Class 9 Science Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs-


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Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements CBSE Class 9 MCQs Science

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What are MCQs for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements Class 9 Science are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.